
Luxx Club is located at 15 Berkeley St, London W1J 8DY, United Kingdom

Nights Open

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10:30 PM – 3:30 AM

Does Luxx Club presale tickets?

Unfortunately, Luxx Club does not presale tickets to most events. You can check the Luxx Club event calendar or go on the free Discotech app to see if tickets are available for upcoming nights.

Where can I purchase tickets

You can click here to check if tickets are available and purchase for special occasions such as holidays.

What should I do if no tickets are available?

No tickets available? Not a problem. You can still get into Luxx either by purchasing bottle service. Both of their are phenomenal options, but if it’s in your budget, we would suggest going with bottle service so you can become a VIP member.

When is Luxx Club open?

Luxx is open every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10:30 PM – 3:30 AM.

Dress code?

A more fashion forward look is highly encouraged. Avoid anything that could be considered sports wear like hats, tank tops, etc. Women should wear high heels if possible, and men should wear dress shoes.

So what is Discotech?

Check out this video to learn why Discotech is the only promoter you’ll ever need:

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