
Proud Embankment is located at 8 Victoria Embankment, London WC2R 2AB, United Kingdom

Nights Open

Wednesday – Thursday, 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM, and Friday – Saturday up to 4:00 AM

Does Proud Embankment presale tickets?

Proud Embankment is bottle service only.

What do I do if there is no tickets are available?

If no tickets are for sale, then you can still get into the club. The best way to get in is to reserve bottle service. If it is in your budget, we would recommend bottle service as the most exciting way to spend your night at Proud Embankment.

Proud Embankment promo codes

There are no promo codes available at this time. If this changes in the future, they will be available on the free Discotech app.

What is Discotech?

If you’re not using the free Discotech app to track artists, sign up for free guest lists, purchase discounted tickets, and reserve VIP tables, then you’re missing out!

Check out this video to see why Discotech is the only promoter you’ll ever need:

Contact Us About Tickets at Proud Embankment