
The Box Soho is located at 11 – 12 Walker’s Ct

Nights Open

11 PM – 3 AM Tues – Sat

Does The Box Soho presale tickets?

Unfortuanatley, The Box does not sell tickets to most shows. Feel free to check the event calendar or the free Discotech app to see if tickets are for sale.

Where can I purchase tickets

If tickets happen to be available on special occasions such as NYE or Halloween, they will be available for purchase here.

How can I get in if tickets aren’t available?

If tickets aren’t for sale, don’t worry. Going with bottle service (also called table service) is going to be your best bet to secure a table for you and your guests. The way it works is that you agree to a minimum spend in exchange for a table and VIP service. This is an amazing way to elevate your night and start truly living! To purchase bottle service click here.

How long will I have to wait to get in?

Expect to wait anywhere from 30-50 minutes depending on when you arrive.

What days is The Box Soho open?

The Box is open every Tuesday through Saturday.

How much do drinks cost?

You can expect to pay £15-£20 for cocktails and £500+ for bottles.

Dress code?

Dress code is strictly glamorous at The Box. Dresses / nice nightclub attire for girls, collared shirt / nice pants / dress shoes for guys. Don’t wear any sort of athletic gear such as jerseys, tanks tops, hats, etc. Unless you’re a celebrity – in that case you can dress however you please.

So what is Discotech?

Check out this video to learn why Discotech is the only promoter you’ll ever need:

Contact Us About The Box Soho