
Sunset is located at 1090 North Doheny Drive, West Hollywood, CA 90069

Days Open

8:00 PM – 2:00 AM Thursday, 9:00 PM – 2:00 AM Friday – Saturday

Does Sunset presale tickets?

Tickets will not be available for the majority of nights. There may be tickets on special occasions such as NYE and Halloween, but other than that, your best option will be to purchase bottle service.

Where can I purchase tickets

If tickets do happen to be available, you can purchase them on the free Discotech app or purchase tickets at Sunset directly through our website.

What should I do if no tickets are available?

If no tickets are up for sale, we would highly recommend reserving a private table at Sunset with bottle service. Bottle service allows you to gain full VIP and is widely considered the best way to enjoy a nightclub if it is within your budget.

Promo Codes?

All Discounts and promo codes can be found on the free Discotech app.

What is Discotech?

If you’re not using the free Discotech app to track artists, sign up for free guest lists, purchase discounted tickets, and reserve VIP tables, then you’re missing out!

Check out this video to see why Discotech is the only promoter you’ll ever need:

Contact Us About Tickets at Sunset at Edition