
Academy Dance Floor Facing DJ

Academy LA Promo Code

We will often have limited Academy LA promo codes that are good for $5 off a ticket purchase at Academy Nightclub LA.

We’ll post discount codes here as soon as they are available. Check back for updates for upcoming shows at Academy nightclub in Hollywood Los Angeles!

Almost all of the following promo codes are good for 100 uses – if you’re getting a “code invalid” error that means the code has already been used 100 times.

Upcoming Events at Academy with Promo Codes:

  • 11/4Bassrush presents Noisia Farewell Tour @ Academy LA – Promo code: FAREWELL>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 11/26 –  Cloonee, Detlef, Nightfunk @ Academy LA – Promo code: TRIP>> Buy Tickets Here

Past Events:

  • 1/25 – Nitti Gritti x Wuki @ Academy LA – Promo code: ROSHAMBO>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 2/1 – Dannic & Sick Individuals @ Academy LA – Promo code: REVEALED>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 2/22 – Brohug @ Academy LA – Promo code: KEEP>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 2/28 – Mercer @ Academy LA – Promo code: DISCO>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 3/7 – SNBRN with LO’99 @ Academy LA – Promo code: SPRING>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 3/13 – Aly & Fila @ Academy LA – Promo code: MELODY>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 3/14 – Fedde Le Grand @ Academy LA – Promo code: DANCING>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 3/21 – Benny Benassi @ Academy LA – Promo code: PUSH>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 4/03 – Solardo with Dillon Nathaniel @ Academy LA – Promo code: THESPOT>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 4/18 – Mr. Carmack @ Academy LA – Promo code: COOKOUT>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 6/26 – Jody Wisternoff @ Academy LA – Promo code: NIGHTWHISPER>> Buy Tickets Here
  • 7/2/21K?D @ Academy LA – Promo code: HARD >> Tickets Here
  • 7/9/21Blunts & Blondes @ Academy LA – Promo code: BLUNTS >> Tickets Here
  • 7/10/21Aly & Fila @ Academy LA – Promo code: EGYPT >> Tickets Here
  • 7/17/21 – Cheat Codes @ Academy LA – Promo code: HELLRAISERS >> Tickets Here

Book tables and sign up for guestlist at Academy Nightclub LA directly on our free mobile app!

Los angeles skyline at sunset

LA EDM Nightclubs – 洛杉矶十大最佳EDM(电子舞)俱乐部

自隔离开始以来,Coachella和EDC是否有严重退学? 错过了所有的“ UNTZ UNTZ”动作,并希望您在那里和最喜欢的EDM艺术家一路过关斩将吗? 不用担心,我们已经为您覆盖。 我们在这里为您准备在不久的将来那光彩夺目的一天,届时您最喜欢的夜总会将重新营业。 洛杉矶是全球最佳的目的地和汇聚点,将世界上最好的文化融合在一起,同时也是世界音乐产业之都之一,洛杉矶拥有美国一些顶级电子夜总会。 请查看下面的指南,了解天使之城中最热门的电子音乐夜总会场所,并于2020年更新。

1. Academy – Hollywood

Academy Nightclub dance floor

Create的故居,Academy的霓虹色调,时尚的休息区和光滑的表面使其成为世界上最现代,最典雅的仓库风格夜总会之一。 它是好莱坞Insomniac的故乡,该公司为您带来了美国一些最大的EDM音乐节:Escape,Beyond Wonderland,当然还有拉斯维加斯最大的EDM音乐节Electric Daisy Carnival / EDC。 占地20,000平方英尺的场地可容纳2,000多名聚会参与者,A级DJ的反复出现以及巨大的LED天花板(是的,您没听错)使Academy成为了不容错过的场地,它始终是最好的场地 调音并展现最佳震动。 主舞台后面还有一个亚洲主题的户外露台区,当地面太热时,客人可以喘口气。 预订桌子并在学院登记成为嘉宾! 我们经常为某些节目提供学院促销代码。

2. Exchange LA – Downtown LA

Dance floor / stage @ Exchange LA Nightclub

Exchange LA曾是洛杉矶证券交易所的所在地,并于2010年重新开业,并已成为全球顶级EDM俱乐部之一。 同样也有充分的理由:Exchange LA拥有一个可容纳1500人的多层场所,分布在四层楼的六个酒吧,并且据说是全市一家夜总会中洗手间最多的地方,Exchange LA还举办了一些超级巨星DJ,例如 Armin van Buuren,Dash Berlin和Don Diablo。 GA线会在一个好的夜晚在建筑物的两边延伸很长,因此我们通常建议您进入宾客名单并提早到达,或者提前获得门票。我们经常在这里提供Exchange促销代码! 在此处预订桌子并在Exchange上免费注册来宾清单。

3. Sound Nightclub – Hollywood

Sound Nightclub dance floor - Los Angeles / Hollywood

Sound Nightclub展示了各种EDM风格,从深层室内音乐到电子音乐再到工业到先进的室内音乐。 Sound设在一个私密,光线昏暗且装饰精美的空间中,并邀请室内音乐促销公司定期举行聚会。 例如,周二晚上的特色是每周一次的太空游艇活动,声音融合了不拘一格的低音,而周五和周六晚上则为Sound带来了更深沉的技术。 Discotech通常在11:00 PM之前有声音事件的来宾列表。 声音会一直开放到周末的凌晨3点或凌晨4点,以及直到星期二的凌晨2点-您可以直接在我们的webapp应用程序或mobile app程序上注册免费的嘉宾列表并预订桌子。

4. Avalon – Hollywood

Avalon Nightclub DJ & dance floor

阿瓦隆 Avalon在2003年进行的重大改造使俱乐部从音乐剧院变成了镇上最好的舞蹈场所之一。 常规的18 + / 19 +晚比该地区的大多数其他俱乐部吸引年轻的人群,而且几乎每天晚上,线条在西班牙殖民地的外墙深处形成。 一间长长的酒吧在房间的任一侧都提供饮料,以保持聚会的气氛。 拥有不断增加的粉丝群,DJ名册到本周将变得越来越好,因此无论谁旋转,您都一定会喜欢上一夜。 如果您在镇上,请务必检查出该地点,尤其是在斥资一百万美元对其进行翻新之后。 使用促销代码DISCO可以节省在AvalonHollywood.com上购买的所有门票的10%。 预订桌子并在我们的移动应用程序或网络应用程序上注册Avalon的折扣访客列表

5. Raspoutine – West Hollywood

Raspoutine Nightclub dance floor - Los Angeles, CA

Rasoutine品牌于1965年在巴黎首次成立,此后将地点扩展到罗马,马拉喀什,摩纳哥和洛杉矶。 每个地点都融合了相同的黑暗,神秘,俄罗斯客厅主题:从1970年代的丽塔·海沃斯Rita Hayworths到2020年代的阿丽亚娜·格兰德斯Ariana Grandes,数十年来好莱坞的A-lists吸引了每个场所的豪华魅力。 与欧洲地区不同,在Raspoutine的洛杉矶地区您不会找到任何食物:这是一家纯欧洲人的夜总会,是鸡尾酒,伏特加和法式香槟的饮酒胜地。 占地1600平方英尺的错层房间散发着鲜红色的墙壁和地板,宴会,重音桌子,豪华的墙壁,以及散落在各处的大型俄罗斯套娃。 实际上,Raspoutine完全融入了俄罗斯精神,以为托尔斯泰小说中的双重间谍人物随时可能突然出现,以在酒吧点出伏特加的庆祝照。

6. Nameless – Santa Monica

Nameless Nightclub dance floor. -Santa Monica, CA

到目前为止,关于这个地方的报道还很少。 无名是圣莫尼卡的一个相对较新的技术酒吧/酒廊,正在迅速普及。 为什么? 首先,洛杉矶很少有地方能真正满足人们寻找地下声音的需求:洛杉矶一些最好的深层房屋和地下场景DJ几乎没有大张旗鼓地旋转。 其次,在405以西几乎没有室内音乐场所,没有像Nameless那样优雅或宽敞的场所(尽管公平地说,它仍然比好莱坞的任何室内场所都小得多)。 Nameless设有专用于舞池的地板,可在大多数夜晚提供瓶装服务和廉价的门票。 但是,它最好的好处是,它与圣莫尼卡的许多其他受欢迎的酒吧都位于同一条大街上,这使得它成为开始,继续或结束西边倒屋夜的好地方。 结果,Nameless的人群通常偏向年轻,吸引了大学和最近的研究生。

7. Palladium – Hollywood

dance floor and stage of Palladium nightclub

好莱坞钯金剧院(Hollywood Palladium)是全美最具标志性的音乐厅之一,是一个大型音乐会场馆,既接待EDM艺术家,也邀请了来自其他音乐流派的艺术家。 它以装饰艺术风格的现代流线型建筑建造,包括11200平方英尺(1040平方米)的舞池,带有宽敞的夹层楼,二楼可容纳多达4,000人。 该剧院于2016年被列入《美国国家历史古迹名录》,您的热爱音乐会的父母(甚至祖父母)可能会不时向您介绍在那儿观看演出的故事。 钯金确实在其VIP阳台上为电子音乐表演提供瓶装服务,并且您可以在我们的mobile app中为您最喜欢的歌手的即将到来的表演保留主要视图桌子。

8. Shrine – Downtown LA

shrine los angeles nightclub facing dj crowd

Shrine Auditorium是位于洛杉矶市中心USC旁边的音乐厅-如果您是音乐会舞台上一位崭露头角的大学生,那么您可能会来这里参加一两场表演。 他们拥有从EDM DJ到嘻哈Hip Hop艺术家的各种流派的顶级表演。 这是一个巨大的场地,挤满了很多人,举行了一场派对。 这里没有瓶装服务,但是周围分布着四间酒吧-两间在主楼层,另外两间在楼上阳台部分。 这里的照明产品是最先进的,绝对是一个值得一看的景点。 在Discotech网站上查看The Shrine即将举行的活动和DJ的列表。

9. The Buffalo Club – Santa Monica

十年前或十年或更久以前,风靡一时的时尚,美食舒适的美食热潮,伦敦私人俱乐部的时尚风尚和无所不包的调酒学…………这里有Buffalo Club。 布法罗俱乐部Buffalo Club在它的时代开始之前,如今已成为当今时代的完美之选,但仍然处于竞争激烈的地位,但仍处于不可捉摸的状态。 洛杉矶的许多电影,电视,音乐和科技公司已经搬入了如今已高档化的圣塔莫尼卡区,从而推动了业务的增长,从而允许餐厅/酒廊将其主要餐厅的餐饮形式扩展为深夜家庭音乐的超酒廊。 周末。 尽管如此,Buffalo Club始终保持着其禁酒时代的私密魅力,同时增加了现代设施,如豪华座椅和VIP酒瓶服务,将年轻,嬉皮的一代引入其永恒的洛杉矶魅力。

10. Belasco – Downtown LA

EDM concert at belasco theater, Los Angeles, CA

Belasco位于洛杉矶市中心的心脏地带,是一个壮观的多房间活动和娱乐中心。 由于最近进行了1200万美元的翻新,Belasco剧院得以保留了其最初的戏剧性建筑和细节,管理层也投入了很多时间与各种类型的中,高端音乐人才一起演出。 该场馆拥有南加州最大的D&B Audiotechnik音响系统以及最先进的照明系统,将其在大型电子音乐聚会上的独具创意的生产潜力提升了十倍。 因此,由于它是18岁及以上的票务友好场所,一些著名的EDM流派活动制作公司(如Bassrush,Desert Hearts,Minimal Effort)会在他们落脚时在这里举办巡回演出 到天使之城。

Honorable Mention: Avalon Bardot (Hollywood) – afterhours

阿瓦隆·巴铎Avalon Bardot是位于阿瓦隆好莱坞Avalon Hollywood之上的继我们之后的景点。 晚会在凌晨2点开始。 预订桌子并在我们的mobile app或web app上注册Avalon的折扣访客列表。

有关洛杉矶任何和所有夜总会的瓶装服务,宾客列表和预售票务的更多信息,请下载我们免费的Discotech mobile app! 或者,如果您使用的是台式机,请尝试使用我们的webapp

Disotech app screenshots

LA Nightclubs FAQ


洛杉矶的夜总会通常在晚上10:00至10:30之间营业。 如果您想避免排队,我们建议您在晚上10:00之前到达。


洛杉矶大多数夜总会将于2:00 AM关闭。 EDM场馆通常会在凌晨2点之前开放,但最后一次打电话给酒精饮料的时间总是凌晨2点。


对于男士,我们建议您安全使用-穿领衬衫,漂亮的牛仔裤和正装皮鞋。 如果您要使用瓶装服务,则可以穿休闲装(西装外套+ T恤等)。 女孩的着装要求不太严格,但每个夜总会都不一样。 对于优雅的夜总会,大多数女孩会穿着高跟鞋和礼服。


洛杉矶的一些俱乐部有免费的客人名单,有些则有打折的名单。 请记住,许多洛杉矶夜总会更为独家,需要瓶装服务才能进入。


Avenue, Warwick, 1OAK, Nightingale, Highlight Room, Elevate, Bootsy Bellows, Doheny Room.


Avalon, Exchange, Sound, Academy.

Best Clubs in Hollywood, Los Angeles

Times have changed, but the great times at these venues haven’t. As clubbing becomes more saught after by celebrities and influencers, Hollywood remains one of the top spots to go out. Here are some of the top trending clubs in Los Angeles Hollywood that we recommend checking out.

Looking for the hottest clubs in Hollywood, Los Angeles? See upcoming events sign up for guest list, and book table service directly on the free Discotech Mobile App. Or reach out to our help line directly at 4157356716 – we can help you pick a spot for your next night out in Hollywood.


Part rustic cocktail lounge part Hollywood club, Warwick (formerly Club L), is a warehouse of exposed brick, fireplaces, and unfinished ceilings. Take the typical Hollywood club, but give it more of a rough, indie feel, and vastly upgrade the alcoholic options to seasonal craft cocktails made with better booze and quality ingredients. As one can see from the layout, it’s a space suited to table/bottle service, but in this case the bar program, and yes, there’s a “bar program,” is executed by top talent Jason Bran and Damian Windsor who have likely liquored you up in the past four years at The Roger Room.

The interior decor effortlessly creates the vibe of an exclusive and classy ballroom reserved for royalty, which makes sense since you’re most likely not going to be able to get in if you don’t opt for bottle service. However, don’t be mistaken. Warwick is an experience hard to forget.

Entry is at the doorman’s discretion. To guarantee admission, we highly recommend bottle service at Warwick.

Protip – Warwick wednesdays is one of the hottest parties in LA. Other upcoming events at Warwick.


Avalon since the 1920’s has been one of the biggest hotspots in Hollywood, hosting headliners such as the Beatles and Soundgarden. This historic venue underwent some changes in 2003, as the club had a major makeover that turned the space into a DJ-driven dance club hotspot. Big names continue to shake the cavernous hall, but the emphasis has shifted to electronic compososions. On most weekends you’ll find more underground DJs on the decks spinning tunes early into the morning. Bardot, a lounge above Avalon stays open for the after party on Friday night / Saturday morning until 6-7 AM. Browse Upcoming events at Avalon and get on the discounted guest list!

Regardless of the evening’s agenda, lines form deep in front of the Spanish Colonial façade, with patrons ranging from mini-dress beauties to shaggy rave kids itching to sweat their sneakers off.

A pair of long bars flank the room, as well as small cylindrical tables and white couches for the bottle service crowd. Those looking to escape the revelry can head to the open balcony, home to VIP lounges, a third bar, and bird’s-eye views of the broiling masses below. Funky hipsters and celebrities often venture to Bardot, the club’s sister lounge upstairs.

Nothing beats Avalon when looking to experience for some of the best nu-electro, techno, and house music in LA. Avalon Hollywood recently completed a million dollar renovation of the club which included brand new lighting and sound systems. This place is a must-see.


Academy LA is one of the most fun and versatile clubs in Hollywood. Hosted by Insomniac, (the creators of the rave-tastic Wonderland and Electronic Daisy Carnival festivals) Academy LA books both emerging DJ talent and high-profile EDM artists. If the club looks familiar to you, its because it was formerly Create (and before that Vanguard) before becoming Academy.

The three-room, 20,000 square foot space features an epic soundsystem and Hollywood’s largest LED wall. I will repeat that again. Hollywood’s LARGEST LED wall. Words are not enough to describe the unbelievable experience one will have attending this venue. For those looking to downshift and desensitize, one can casually hang out on a tree-lined patio illuminated by simple strands of party lights.

Though this major production of a club may not seem like the type to forgo bottle service at private tables, the fantastic layout of the club makes it not only a great place to pop bottles in booths, but a bonafide space to sweat it out to EDM festival trance and house headliners.

Academy has a guest list, tickets for purchase and tables for reservation. See who’s spinning and get on the guestlist – upcoming Events at Academy LA


This celebrity-friendly luxury club with eclectic DJs, comes equipped with a vast dance floor & a exciting party atmosphere. Playhouse according to their website was voted #4 Best Nightclub in the world. We are not here to play favorites or decide who is number one, but Playhouse is undeniably a current top tier club. Playhouse is a modern ode to stylish escapism in heart of Hollywood. The versatile design creates the ultimate entertainment playground for adults.

Located in the long-abandoned building that once housed the Fox Theatre, Playhouse Hollywood is a sprawling, 13,000-square-foot Vegas-style nightclub with a sexy circus theme. Popular with eager young club kids and college students, the impressive high-ceilinged space is dominated by a huge oval bar presided over by scantily-clad bartenders who, when not slinging drinks, leap onto trapezes for some aerial acrobatics or regale the crowd with a provocative burlesque show in the elevated cages. It doesn’t get any better then dancing to bangers while watching a free burlesque show.

High rollers can make their way to the elegant VIP lounge upstairs, which features numerous gold and black banquettes, a second bar and DJ, and a slightly mellower vibe. A whirlwind combination of high design, circus visuals, and great performances, Playhouse offers three-ring bedlam that die-hard club fans won’t want to miss.

General Admission at Playhouse is $20-$40 depending on how busy the night is. Book a table or get on the guest list at Playhouse.


Housed in the former space of Tru nightclub, the Argyle is a lounge-club combo new to the scene in Hollywood. The main entrance leads down a flight of stairs into an area with comfy couches and the look of a library. This is what management likes to refer to as the cocktail den. “Downstairs in the craft cocktail lounge, you can take a breather and actually talk to the person you’re with,” says Travis Bass of the Tru Hospitality group. “We wanted a 1920s speakeasy down here, but upscale in London or Paris with no Prohibition.”

The venue’s side entrance on Selma Avenue leads upstairs to the nightclub, where there is a dance floor, fancy lighting and the only two-story VIP booth in all of Los Angeles. The Argyle’s website describes the club as “a champagne jam where high art, high fashion, and high times mingle on the dance floor and the DJ is only as important as the next song.

Argyle does not do walk ups. You will have to know a promoter or reserve a table.

Upcoming Events at Argyle

Sound Nightclub

Sound Nightclub is THE bastion of deep house / underground electronic music in LA. It’s a small, intimate venue with a one-of-a-kind Pioneer sound system that will rock your socks. The venue has a raw and industrial look with lots of California redwood furniture and walls and offers a fairly spacious dance floor located right in front of the DJs perch as well as bottle service for those high rollers.

As suggested in the name, the venue boasts a unique and cutting edge sound system and a killer A/V system, so the visual elements are as stimulating as the unbelievable audio. This is a great place to go in Hollywood that actually books talents who play good deep house and more minimal/artful house rather than your typical top 40 hits and popular house music bangers.

Space Yacht on Tuesdays mostly features bass heavy lineups and has garnered one of the fastest growing followings in the bass music scene. Framework Fridays are about underground deep house and techno music and the people who live for it.

Sound Presents mainly features house music. On occasion Sound will host some well known DJs (Kaskade, Afrojack, Markus Schulz, etc) but more often than not you’ll get the likes of Guy Gerber, Seth Troxler, EDX, Digweed, etc. See who’s spinning at Sound Nightclub! This is one of our favorite clubs in LA!

LA Nightclubs FAQ

What time do Los Angeles nightclubs usually open?

Nightclubs in Los Angeles usually open around 10:00 PM to 10:30 PM. If you want to avoid lines, we recommend arriving by 10:00 PM.

What time do Los Angeles nightclubs typically close?

Most Los Angeles nightclubs will close at 2:00AM. The EDM venues typically stay open past 2, but last call for alcohol is always 2 AM.

What is the dress code like at Los Angeles clubs?

For guys, we suggest to play it safe – wear collared shirts, nice jeans, dress shoes. If you’re getting bottle service, you can get away with a more casual look (blazer + tshirt, etc). For nightclubs that are on the elegant side, most girls will be wearing heels and dresses.

How can I get into Los Angeles nightclubs for free?

Some Los Angeles clubs have a free guest list, some have a discounted list. Keep in mind that many Los Angeles nightclubs are more exclusive and require bottle service to get in.

Which Los Angeles nightclubs play Hip-Hop?

Avenue, Warwick, 1OAK, Nightingale, Highlight Room, Elevate, Bootsy Bellows, Doheny Room.

Which Los Angeles nightclubs play EDM (Electronic Dance Music)?

Avalon, Exchange, Sound, and Academy are the EDM clubs in LA.

What Cities in the US Have Nightlife Past 2 AM?

While quite a few cities across America have nightclubs and bars that are open past 2am, Las Vegas, New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami are the four nightlife capitals of the U.S., if not the entire world. Each of these cities boasts nightlife venue variety for all kinds of musical, ethnic, and socioeconomic tastes numbering in the several hundreds, with new ones popping up every day.

It is true that most L.A. nightclub venues stop serving alcohol at around 1:30am and close at 2am, but there are few that stay open past 2am until 3–4am – specifically, Academy, Exchange LA, and Avalon. In Las Vegas, New York, and Miami, most nightclubs stay open well past 3am, with the hottest and most popular ones going until 5–6am. There are a couple venues in each city that stay open til dawn, such as Space Miami, and Drai’s After Hours.

For those of you night owls visiting a major U.S. city to do some partying, the Discotech app is an essential planning tool for seeing how late your selected clubs will be open. You can use our app to browse club and pool party events by specific days of the week, holidays, or dates you’ll be in town. Then, you can even take the next step within the app, using its features to buy tickets, sign up for guest lists, or even reserve tables if you’re feeling super-fancy. The app event info refreshes daily, pulling from various entertainment online resources including the official websites of the clubs themselves, so it’s always current, accurate, and in the know. We are live in the four aforementioned top-tier cities and six other second-tier markets in the U.S., and we work with nearly 200 nightlife venues, including every one of the Top 10 nightlife venues mentioned in the Forbes list and 95% of the list’s Top 100.

If you’re interested in going deeper down the nightlife rabbit hole, you can check out all the latest nightclub news across America here: Nightlife News by Discotech – the #1 Nightlife App.



Exchange LA (LA 市中心)

Exchange的前身是洛杉矶股票交易所。从2010年开业起一直是洛城里最好的电音夜店之一,世界排名更直逼40。四层高的Exchange可以容纳1500人、拥有6个酒吧和全城夜店里最多的洗手间。顶级的DJ包括Armin Van Buuren、Dash Berlin、Don Diablo等都曾在这里演出。每个周末排队进Exchange的人都会堵满整条街,所以记得尽早购票(留意Discotech独有的优惠代码)。

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Academy (荷里活)

2017年12月31日 R3hab新年派对结束的一刻正式为Create的夜店生涯画上句号,取而代之的将会是Insomniac和Exchange联合创办的Academy。Academy的开幕秀会在1/12举行,由Krewella担当DJ。Benny Benassi、DVBBS、TNT等名DJ都会在接着的两星期在Academy打碟,千万别错过哦。不过现时Academy的网页和社交平台还没有透露太多改名后的变动,请大家拭目以待。

Academy 订台 | Academy 宾客名单| Academy 门票 | Academy 时间表

Avalon (荷里活)

Avalon在2003年由音乐厅成功转型成为夜店,自此可算是荷里活夜生活的地标之一。定期举行的18+/19+ 活动为Avalon带来了不小较年轻的面孔,是很多洛城大学生的首选。随着Avalon的客源不断增加,被请来演出的DJ也一个比一个出名。当区内大部分夜趴在凌晨2点已经结束的时候,Avalon这边还是播放着强劲音乐,一直开到3/4点。

Avalon 订台 | Avalon 宾客名单| Avalon 门票 | Avalon 时间表

Sound (荷里活)

Sound播放的主要是deep house/techno这一类地下音乐。这里的Funktion One音响系统绝对能让你感受到震撼,是一套世界各地很多夜店都引以为傲的利器。比起区内其他夜店,Sound算是比较小的一家,不过这样也代表里头的人们能亲密一点。如果跳舞跳饿了,大门旁边的小café有各式各样的小吃让您选择。Discotech长期提供免费的Sound宾客名单,要登记就赶紧下载我们的APP吧!

Sound 订台 | Sound 宾客名单| Sound 门票 | Sound 时间表

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